Life Is A Beautiful Struggle

Life Is A Beautiful Struggle
Life Is A Beautiful Struggle

Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Crazy Dayz..

I have no idea where to begin because I have done so many things since I have last been on here. I have been extremely busy these past months that it is hard to keep up. First off my vaction in Florida was amazing! It was the perfect birthday present and I went with the most amazing people, even though it was a little rough before we got there; it was definatly worth the stress. Here are some pictures:


So that was just a glimpse into our seven day vacation (which was NOT long enough).

I got a little out of order but our annual adventure to Thunder Over Louisville was in April and it was amazing! I could not believe it had been a year since I had met the love of my life :) Plus we added someone new to the group which is always a good thing and it wasn't freezing like last year...the pictures can speak for themselves:

So there were a few things in between here and there:

We do gross pranks at work...

The next big thing that happened has been life changing for me thanks to Leeann and her baby boy! We had drifted apart but we have managed to get close again..but not only that I decided to go to nursing school with her, I start in less than a week and we are super nervous..but in less than a year we will both be LPN's!

The next big change in my life is we have adopted a baby puppy!!! Her name is Emmy Jade and she is the most amazing thing in the whole world, I can't picture her not with me and David. We had been talking about adopting a puppy for months and never really looked but one day we went to Strut Your Mutt which is a way to raise money for dog shelters with my mom and ended up going to the pound and found her..she was perfect from the moment we saw her, she is so sweet and playful and has been very easy to potty train surprisingly. Plus she is a major momma and daddy's girl. We don't even mind getting up 4 times in the middle of the night to let her out, she just means the world to us. Now I have to show her off:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This TIme Is Ours

So, it has been a while since I have been on here to update on my life, but it has been going so well and busy I have been distracted! I started a new job in the ER and I love it, it is amazing and I am so happy where I am right now. Also I have been spending tons of family time lately, which is one of my favorite things to do. I also spend alot of time with David's family too, which I love, I feel like they are part of my family as well. I have been schooling alot too (which I probably should be working on now) and Anatomy is kicking my butt this semester. I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up either, I keep going back and forth between a nurse and ultrasound tech, it is hard to decide what I want to do everyday for the rest of my life I guess. But here are some pictures from just lately since not alot has been going on:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Enchanted To Meet You.

Well, It has been a crazy few months I must say. I have been working my butt off and sleeping my days away it seems like. But it has been an okay few months since the season has changed and it has turned into Fall and Winter. I started working at the hospital just PRN but I have learned so much from being in the ER, it actually changed me in a way you would say. I have been wanting to be a nurse since I was five, but recently I changed that dream and have decided to go into something a little more "me" which would  be Sonography (hopefully). I just think it would be such a thrill to get to tell parents what they are having and seeing their reaction, it would be perfect for me. I am still continuing to work at the nursing home to so I have been a busy body these past few months, but I love it even though it gets stressful at times.

Our family actually had a tragic event happen to us last month, even though it feels like yesterday. I lost my uncle to a heart attack and was completely unexpected. It has been a rough few months on everyone and hasn't been the same for a while, especially on Thanks Giving and Christmas, but our family is stronger than ever, but we always have been anyways, Which is why I love my family so much.

Speaking of Christmas, it was a really good one. Me and David had our first Christmas together and it was amazing and super busy. I worked all weekend but we made time for all the places we needed to be. I got to spend my first Christmas with David's family to and I loved it, it was amazing and he has an amazing family I must say, I am very lucky to be surrounded by such great people in my life. It went by so fast though I feel like I blinked and it was over...

I also have a new addiction called Pintrest and I am in love with it! I just can't help my self. Another thing I am addicted to is the book, "The Help" it is amazing and everyone should read it because it is so great.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

God Gave Me You

I always seem to neglect my blog and then when I remember to get on here I always get distracted (which happens easily to me). But alot has been going on here lately that I have to catch up on.

I recently just recovered from getting my tonsils taken out and let me tell you that was one of the worst surgerys I have ever experienced, I never want anything done to my throat again. But it gave me a good three weeks off from work which was nice and spoiled me, to bad money doesn't grow on trees. Before my surgery I went to florida with my dad, mom, and sister and it was so much fun, nothing is better than the beach I must say.

Also I have to say I have the most amazing boy in my life, named David Goldsmith. I literally don't know what I would be doing without him in my life right now. He has taught me so much about myself and is my best friend. I also started back at ECTC again which I must say isn't exciting at all, but all my classes are online so I get to spend alot more time with family when I am not working.

Some pictures to catch you up:

                                               Florida With The Family
                                                       The Drive-In
                                                 The Love Of My Life :)

                                                           Jason Aldean!!!

                                       Theory Of A Deadman Concert 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My New Begining.

So as you can tell I have redone my whole blog, but I didn't delete any of my old posts because they are the reason I started this in the first place. I made this to complain about my long distance relationship with my Marine. But we ended up having to part ways and go on to do bigger and better things with our lives. So this is my fresh start to my life.

I have had alot happen to me in the past couple of months that I didn't expect to happen for a while. I ended up getting a job as a CNA, which let me tell you is very back breaking and dirty, but I love helping people and its just one step closer to my dream of being a Nurse. I also started dating and found myself a very sweet guy from Green County, which I didn't plan on happening for a while but I guess you can't plan out everything in life it just happens when your not paying attention or least expect it too.

My last semester ended really good and now I'm thinking about going to Campbellsville for school but I haven't actually made a decision yet ( I procrastinate sometimes). But my summer break has been amazing. I've been with family alot and I love them most of all. But I just wanted to catch up on all that has happened since I went to California and came back.

Here's some pictures of whats been going on in my life:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

California Baby.

Well I went to California to see Dylan...and I have to say it was the most amazing trip I've been on. It was like a vacation in heaven. We really needed to see each other and spend time together. It seems like the distance gets harder and harder everyday, but I wouldn't give it up for the world. It truely was beautiful there though.

But I know all this distance will be worth it in the end, when we can be back together everyday and be back to normal. But him coming to North Carolina to be stationed makes me feel alot better because he will only be 10 hours away from me!

But here are some pictures :)