Life Is A Beautiful Struggle

Life Is A Beautiful Struggle
Life Is A Beautiful Struggle

Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Crazy Dayz..

I have no idea where to begin because I have done so many things since I have last been on here. I have been extremely busy these past months that it is hard to keep up. First off my vaction in Florida was amazing! It was the perfect birthday present and I went with the most amazing people, even though it was a little rough before we got there; it was definatly worth the stress. Here are some pictures:


So that was just a glimpse into our seven day vacation (which was NOT long enough).

I got a little out of order but our annual adventure to Thunder Over Louisville was in April and it was amazing! I could not believe it had been a year since I had met the love of my life :) Plus we added someone new to the group which is always a good thing and it wasn't freezing like last year...the pictures can speak for themselves:

So there were a few things in between here and there:

We do gross pranks at work...

The next big thing that happened has been life changing for me thanks to Leeann and her baby boy! We had drifted apart but we have managed to get close again..but not only that I decided to go to nursing school with her, I start in less than a week and we are super nervous..but in less than a year we will both be LPN's!

The next big change in my life is we have adopted a baby puppy!!! Her name is Emmy Jade and she is the most amazing thing in the whole world, I can't picture her not with me and David. We had been talking about adopting a puppy for months and never really looked but one day we went to Strut Your Mutt which is a way to raise money for dog shelters with my mom and ended up going to the pound and found her..she was perfect from the moment we saw her, she is so sweet and playful and has been very easy to potty train surprisingly. Plus she is a major momma and daddy's girl. We don't even mind getting up 4 times in the middle of the night to let her out, she just means the world to us. Now I have to show her off: